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Users must not be able to change passwords more than once every 24 hours.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-1032 GEN000540 SV-38199r1_rule ECSC-1 Medium
The ability to change passwords frequently facilitates users reusing the same password. This can result in users effectively never changing their passwords. This would be accomplished by users changing their passwords when required and then immediately changing it to the original value.
HP-UX 11.23 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2013-03-28


Check Text ( C-36255r2_chk )
Check Content:
Check the mintm setting for each user individually.
As root:
# export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lbin
# getprpw -r -m mintm


Check the mintm setting for all users.
# logins -o -x | awk -F: '{print $1" "$10}'

If the value is less than 1 for any user, this is a finding.

Fix Text (F-31512r1_fix)
Limit the ability of the user to change the password frequently via the command:

# passwd -n<1 or higher>